Who: Participated in a fun global collaboration project curated by Dante Zaballa. Illustrated 5 character frames and sound designed one of the loops (3:15- 3:33)
When: August 2013
What: The Doodle Project is a little animated doodle that turned into a big collaborate project.
Each individual frame of a hand-drawn, 18 seconds animation sequence is passed on to a different international illustrator, designer or artist, asking them to customize the still with their very own character style.
The final 216 frame loop will be handed to numerous sound designers and musicians, who'll each compose a separate soundtrack, adding their personal sonic interpretation to the visual extravaganza.
The resulting psychedelic explosion of color, shape and sound will take the viewer on a fast paced ride through the artistic visions of today's most outstanding talent. But most of all, the Doodle Project is a huge, collaborative group hug.

Andrea Wan (Canada) - andreawan.com
Anne-Lou Erambert (France) - anneloue.tumblr.com
Akinori Oishi (Japan) - aki-air.com
Billy (England) - billyandalex.com
César Pelizer (Brazil) - cesarpelizer.tv
Cheyenne Cruchon (France) - supersalmon.tumblr.com
Chu (Argentina) - studiochu.tv
Colorblok (Argentina) - colorblok.com
Dana Damki (Germany) - damki.com
Ezequiel Matteo (Argentina) - pikique.com
Fernando Bruno (Argentina) - funhataraku.com
Fons Schiedon - (germany) - fonsschiedon.com
Fran Cunha - (Uruguay) - fran.com.uy
Gabriel Fermanelli (Argentina) - gahfe.com
Juan Casal (Argentina) - juancasal.com
Juan Molinet (Argentina) - lebureau.tv
Juan Vegetal (Argentina) - juanvegetal.tumblr.com
Juli Satran (Argentina) - elsatran.com.ar
Keita Takahashi (Japan) - uvula.jp
Kind Instants (Argentina) - cargocollective.com/kindinstants
Leo Campasso (Argentina) - leocampasso.com.ar
Leo Espinosa (Colombia) - studioespinosa.com
Loup Blaster (France) - loupblaster.tumblr.com
Mak Ying Ping (China) - makyingping.com
Manu Correa Soto (Argentina) - manucorreasoto.com
Manó Madé (Argentina) - manomade.org
Mark Verhaagen (Holland)- markverhaagen.com
Martin Allais (Venezuela) - martinallais.com
Matias Vigliano (Argentina) - parquerama.com
Mathilde Kitteh (France) - catneep.tumblr.com
Michael Frei (Switzerland) - michaelear.com
Motomichi Nakamura (Japan) - motomichi.com
Maximiliano Alejandro Zas (Argentina) - dibujarahora.com.ar
Max Gärtner (Germany) - maxgartner.com
Max Maleo (France)
Niels Kalk (Holland) - nielskalk.com
Nicolas Ménard (Canada) - nicolasmenard.com
Noam Sussman (Canada) - noamsussman.blogspot.com
Olivia Blanc (France) - o-blanc.blogspot.com
Ori Toor (Israel) - oritoor.com
Osian Efnisien (England) - osianefnisien.com
Paolo Pochettino (Italy) - paolopochettino.com
Peter Millard (England) - hellopetermillard.com
Pierre Zenzius (France) - pierrezenzius.blogspot.com
Pincheloco (Mexico) - pincheloco.mx
Raymo Ventura (US) - foshoandtell.com
Robert Loebel (Germany) - robertloebel.com
Rylsee (Switzerland) - rylsee.ch
sam taylor (England) - samtayloranimation.blogspot.com
Seba Acampante (Argentina) - miacampante.com
Sebas and Clim (England) - sebasandclim.com
Sonni (Argentina) - sonnistudios.com
Souv (France) - souvstudio.tumblr.com
Superflashilandia (Argentina) - superflashilandia.blogspot.com.ar
Thomas Eide - (England) - tumblr.com/blog/thegern
Thomas Rouzière (France) - gommette.tumblr.com
Tsktsk (England) - wearetsktsk.tumblr.com
Vaiana Gauthier (France) - vaiana-gauthier.blogspot.com
Wesley Louis (England) - librabear.blogspot.com.ar
Wong Ping (China) - nowhynowhy.com
Yeka Haski (Russia) - yekahaski.com
Ygor Marotta (Brazil) - ygormarotta.com
Yoann Hervo (France) - hervoyoann.blogspot.com
Blake Stone china (Ch) - soundcloud.com/floood
Claus Hesse (Ar)
David Kamp (Ger) - davidkamp.de
Fede Chiclana (Ar)
Flor Zaballa (Ar) - thezabalas.com
Horacio Giraldez (Ar)
Jorge Jaramillo (Col)
Juan Tortarolo (Ar) - cargocollective.com/milcables
La Ola Que Queria Ser Chau (Ar) - laolaquequeriaserchau.bandcamp.com
Muveo (Ar) - soundcloud.com/muveo
Nacho Czornogas (Ar) - loshermanosmckenzie.bandcamp.com
Raymo Ventura (US) - foshoandtell.com
Seba Acampante (Ar) - miacampante.com
Tall Juan (Ar) - soundcloud.com/juancruzzaballa