New, bi-weekly web series leading up to the 2020 US Election, hosted by Ilana Glazer — Cheat Sheet for the Voting Booth.
We helped create the animation/ graphics package for the entire series
Learn more: cheatsheetforthevotingbooth.com
Deux Wave
Animation Director- Raymo Ventura
Designers/Illustrators- Nate Harris, Grace Hwang
Animators- Rozz Zimmerman, Jay Keeree, James Dybvig, Lauren Niedelman
New, bi-weekly web series leading up to the 2020 US Election, hosted by Ilana Glazer — Cheat Sheet for the Voting Booth.
We helped create the animation/ graphics package for the entire series
Learn more: cheatsheetforthevotingbooth.com
Deux Wave
Animation Director- Raymo Ventura
Designers/Illustrators- Nate Harris, Grace Hwang
Animators- Rozz Zimmerman, Jay Keeree, James Dybvig, Lauren Niedelman